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我一生的计划-My Career Plan
更新时间:2024-04-26 17:00:18

My Carr Plan-我一生的计划

我一生的计划-My Career Plan

During my high school yars, I hav found chmistry, physics, and mathmatics intrsting. Actually, I am intrstd in many subjcts such as biology, history, gography, Chins, and nglish. But somhow I cannot rmmbr th historical vnts or th facts about gography in dtail. I cannot rmmbr biological trms wll, ithr. On th othr hand, chmistry, physics, and mathmatics ar asy for m bcaus thy sm logical to m. Aftr considring my intrsts and talnts I fl that scinc or nginring might b th bst choic for my carr. I would lik to study scinc or nginring in collg. Aftr graduation from collg I hop to go for highr ducation ovrsas. vntually I would lik to rturn to school to tach. This is my carr plan.


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