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Good Health-健康,Good Health-健康范文
更新时间:2024-04-28 11:19:43

Good Halth-健康 Thr is nothing complicatd about ating a propr dit. For good halth, at a varity of foods. Do not at th sam foods day aftr day! Foods should b slctd vryday from ach of 'basic four.' Thy ar th four groups of food ssntial to propr nutrition: th milk group, mat group, vgtabl-fruit group, and brad-cral group, Your body will thn b supplid with all th nutrints it rquirs; thy ar watr, minrals, carbohydrat, fats and oils, protins, and vitamins. A prson's dit is dtrmind by his attituds, liks and disliks. If you at foods from ach of th basic four groups ach day, you will hav a balancd dit. Good Halth-健康

Good Health-健康,Good Health-健康范文

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