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A Basketball Match-一场篮球赛,A Basketball Match-一场篮球赛
更新时间:2024-04-26 10:40:19

A Basktball Match-一场篮球赛,A Basktball Match-一场篮球赛A Basktball Match-一场篮球赛 昨天我们班和(3)班举行了一场篮球赛,两队的球员都打得非常好。最后(3)班胜利了,我们为他们高兴,并下决心在下次比赛中打败他们。 A Basktball Match

A Basketball Match-一场篮球赛,A Basketball Match-一场篮球赛

Ystrday thr was a basktball match btwn our Class and Class 3. Th playrs in two tams playd vry wll in th match. At last Class 3 won th match. W wr happy for thm and mad up our minds to bat thm nxt tim. A Basktball Match-一场篮球赛

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