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My Winter Vacation-我的寒假,My Winter Vacation-我的寒假范文
更新时间:2024-04-27 13:28:38

My Wintr Vacation-我的寒假,My Wintr Vacation-我的寒假范文My Wintr Vacation-我的寒假 英语 我习惯在寒假打工。我可以挣到一些钱。但更重要的是,我能够学习如何跟人交往。我相信这种经验对我以后走向社会是有所帮助的。I am usd to doing som part-tim jobs in my wintr vacation. I can arn som mony. But th most important thing is that I can larn how to gt along with othrs from a part-tim job. I bliv such xprinc will hlp m gratly whn I gt into th socity in th futur. My Wintr Vacation-我的寒假 英语

My Winter Vacation-我的寒假,My Winter Vacation-我的寒假范文

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