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上学路上 On My Way to School
更新时间:2024-04-28 05:12:12

上学路上 On My Way to School

上学路上 On My Way to School

On My Way to School

Today I got up vry arly in th morning. Aftr I finishd brakfast, I wnt to school.On my way to school I saw somthing lying on th ground. I pickd it up and found it was a mobil phon. I was afraid I would b lat for school. I had no tim to wait for th ownr. So I gav it to th policman.

Shortly aftr I rachd my school, th hadmastr cam to my class and praisd m in front of th class.How could h knw all about it? I guss it must b th policman who told him what I did.

I am vry happy that I hav don a good job.

上一篇 : 我心爱的玩具
下一篇 : 小考优秀
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