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我们去玩足球(We play football)
更新时间:2024-04-27 14:50:32

我们去玩足球(W play football)afrr a whol day's hard studing, i fll vry tird and want to go out to play football for fan. but my tachrs always say that it taks too much tim and can mak us away from studing.so thy usually don't lt us play football.whil tachrs rjct it, w still want to hav a play. i think th playing aftr school can b a rdrssal and mak our bodis halthir. at th sam tim, tmprat xrcis won't tampr with our studis.according to that, i think playing football aftr school hav mor advantags than disadvantags.

我们去玩足球(We play football)

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