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An Improper Greeting-不恰当的问候,An Improper Greeting-不恰
更新时间:2024-04-27 18:10:02

An Impropr Grting-不恰当的问候,An Impropr Grting-不恰An Impropr Grting-不恰当的问候 An Impropr Grting

An Improper Greeting-不恰当的问候,An Improper Greeting-不恰

It happnd during my first yar in my junior middl school.

On vning, aftr suppr, I wnt out for a walk with svral frinds. On th way w saw a fw Amricans coming towards us. Whn thy cam nar, I said "Good night" to thm. Thy smild and answrd "Good vning". Aftr that w talkd for a whil.

On my way hom, Iwas curious to know why thy didn't us th sam xprssion. So as soon as I got hom, I lookd th xprssion up in th dictionary. Only at that tim did I know that "Good night" shouldn't b usd whn popl mt in th vning. "Good night" is an xprssion usd whn popl dpart in th vning Instad "Good vning" is th vry grting xprssion.



一天晚饭后,我和几个朋友一起散步。在路上,我看到几个美国人迎面走来。当他们走近的时候,我对他们说:“Good night”。他们笑着对我说:“Good vning”,之后我们聊了一会儿。

在回家的路上,我好奇地想他们为什么不用相同的表达方式呢。一到家,我就在词典中查找这种表达方式。直到那时我才知道"Good night"不能用于晚上人们相遇的时候,它是人们在晚上分别时的一种用法。相反“Good vning"才是正确的问候方式。

An Impropr Grting-不恰当的问候

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