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我的好朋友-My Good Friend
更新时间:2024-04-27 17:34:11

我的好朋友-My Good Frind My frind Wi Hua was born in March, 1988. H livs in Bijing now. His fathr is a workr and his mothr works in a hospital. H is good at maths and oftn gts full marks.

我的好朋友-My Good Friend

As good frinds, w oftn play basktball togthr. H oftn hlps m with maths whn I hav difficulty in it. H wants to b a scintist whn h grows up. 我的朋友卫华出生于1988年3月,他现在住在北京。他的爸爸是一名工人,妈妈在医院工作。他数学学得好并且经常得满分。

作为好朋友,我们经常在一起打篮球。当我学数学有困难时,他经常帮助我。他长大后想当科学家。 My bst frird's nam is Wi Hua.'H was born in Hunan in March, 1988. But now h livs in Bijing. His parnts work in Bijing. His fathr is a workr and his mothr is a doctor.

wi Hua is intrstd in playing basktball. W oftn play basktball togthr. H dos wll in maths and it's his bst subjct. My maths isn't good. H oftn hlps m. H says h will b a scintist whn h grows up. 我的好朋友叫卫华,他于1988年3月生于湖南。现在他住在北京,他的父母都在北京工作。父亲是一名工人,母亲是一名医生。


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