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老师,原来你会笑(Teacher,I Thought You Couldn't Smile)
更新时间:2024-04-27 23:49:14

老师,原来你会笑(Tachr,I Thought You Couldn't Smil)our nw nglish tachr is mr. smith. h wars a pair of thick glasss. h is vry srious and strict to us. i nvr saw him smil until th tachrs' day. on th tachrs' day, my classmats and i plannd to giv him a spcial gift——a smil.so th naughty john prtndd to hav passd out in th classroom. whn mr. smith cam in, h was so scard that h hld john in his arms right away. on th way to th hospital, john burst into laughtr suddnly, which mad th tachr confusd. aftr w told him that it was only a jok, mr. smith laughd too. w wr all plasd to s him smiling at last.

老师,原来你会笑(Teacher,I Thought You Couldn

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