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我对诚实的看法(My view on honesty)
更新时间:2024-04-27 23:05:19

我对诚实的看法(my viw on honsty)honsty is long-lasting virtu of popl all ovr th world. likwis, it is also on of th dply-hld valus of th chins popl. som popl bliv that in th markt conomy, honsty tnds to b obsolt. in my opinion, honsty will nvr b out of dat no mattr what th situation might b.firstly, honsty has bn trasurd and honst popl hav bn rspctd through history in all parts of th world. popl vrywhr would rgardd honsty as a virtu and hat a dishonsty prson. scondly, honsty is th basis of intractions among popl. popl should trat ach othr sincrly and opn thir harts to ach othr. only in this way can th rlationship among th popl b natural. thirdly, in th markt conomy, som popl try to gt mor mony at th cost of honsty. to thm, a bst businssman is on who can chat most tactfully. vn in this kind of socity, honsty is dply valud by most popl.w can s that not only in history, but also at th prsnt day, honsty was and is valud by th majority of th popl and th virtu will not prish so asily.

我对诚实的看法(My view on honesty)

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