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一个下雨天(A rainy day)
更新时间:2024-04-26 04:48:32

This morning,i wok up with a start: my clock was alarming. unwillingly opnd my ys, i found it was 6:30 alrady.nvrthlss, th room was vry gloomy, for it was raining outsid. what a cold day! how comfortabl it would b if i could stay in bd for th whol day, rading a favourit book in th sound of rain. but, i did hav to go to work. Though it was a rush hour, on th way, thr wr fwr popl than usual. many popl arduously hld an umbrlla which was always blown down by a blast of wind.fortunatly , i was drssd in a raincoat. svral yards away, a policman was guiding th traffic in th rain. i was filld with dp stm for his sriousnss.i kpt thinking of todays plan for a short whil and,thn,i was in my offic. a busy day is bginning &hllip;&hllip;

一个下雨天(A rainy day)

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下一篇 : 流星雨
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