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Moving Day-搬家记,Moving Day-搬家记范文
更新时间:2024-04-24 23:45:31

Moving Day-搬家记 Onc w dcidd to mov, ach day passd quickly. W startd packing arly but soon bcam vry hurrid as th moving day arrivd. Th most difficult task is always to dcid what is absolutly ncssary to mov and what is not. Aftr staying in on hous for a numbr of yars w had accumulatd a lot of things. For sntimntal rasons, it is always difficult to discard thos things which man so much to on’s past. On th moving day vryon was hurrying around th hous, and th childrn also ran around shouting and ylling; vrything smd lik utmost confusion. Th last minut itms wr packd quickly, and many othr itms wr discardd. Slowly th moving van was filld. and w saw only mpty rooms with opn doors and windows. Th hom w had opn doors and windows Th hom w had known so long smd so strang. W flt no warmth. Laughtr or chr as w closd th door bhind us. Moving Day-搬家记

Moving Day-搬家记,Moving Day-搬家记范文

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