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更新时间:2024-04-19 07:32:13

学会微笑Larn To Smil


Smil, how warm th word is! It can mak anyon happy. And this happinss is from th bottom of hart.

It’s not lik nthusiastic laughtr, but just warm, maks your hart warm.

Mothr’s smil is lik a spring wind, so gntl whn you ar sad, it can mak you happy again; whn you fail, it can mak you stand up and work hard again; whn you giv up, it can mak you try your bst again…

Smil, so asy, but also so usful.

|So, lt’s larn to smil. vryon nds othrs’ smil. Whn w giv othrs a smil, w will fl happy, too. And mayb nxt tim, whn you nd a smil, th prson who rcivd your smil will giv it to you.

Lt’s larn to smil oftn, I bliv it can vn mak th whol warm. Living with a smil, vry day will b sunshin.

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