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英语作文 我的家乡


My Hom Town

My hom town is a bautiful plac. It stands bsid a wid rivr and is rich in fish and ric.

But in th old days it was a poor and backward littl town. Many popl had no work. Thy livd a hard lif.

In 1949 my homtown was libratd. Sinc thn grat changs hav takn plac thr. Th strts hav bn widnd. Factoris, schools, hospitals, cinmas and thatrs hav sprung up on aftr anothr. Th lif of th popl is gratly improvd.

I lov my homtown. All th mor I lov its popl. Thy ar working hard so as to mak it still richr and mor bautiful.

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