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Planting Flowers-种花,Planting Flowers-种花范文
更新时间:2024-04-20 04:04:51

Planting Flowrs-种花,Planting Flowrs-种花范文Planting Flowrs-种花 春天来了。鸟语花香。我想把春天种到家里。于是我和爸爸到集市上买了一些花苗,准备种到院子里。我们俩手拿小铁锨,热火朝天地干着。不一会儿就种完了,现在我就可以耐心地等着家里春天的到来了。 Planting Flowrs

Planting Flowers-种花,Planting Flowers-种花范文

Spring is coming. Birds ar singing and flowrs ar blooming. I wantd to plant spring in my hom, so I, togthr with my dad, wnt to th markt and bought som flowr sdlings. W prpard to plant thm in th yard. Whn w wr back hom, w wnt into action in no tim. Som tim latr, w finishd. I will patintly wait for spring to com to th yard now. Planting Flowrs-种花

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